Why work with us?
As active commercial property consultants in Devon and Cornwall we are generally able to promptly assess a property to determine whether it has been correctly valued. We also provide advice on business rates mitigation and relief, together with desirability of splitting or merging assessments.
The 2017 Rating List came into effect on 1st April 2017. This means that every property in England and Wales has been re-valued for the first time in seven years. The relevant valuation date upon which Rateable Value is based is 1st April 2015 and the basis of calculation is the rental value of the property at this date, based on certain statutory assumptions.
The Appeal Process
In order to appeal a rateable value it is first necessary for the ratepayer to register with the Valuation Office Agency and appoint their agent. It will then be possible to submit the first stage of an appeal known as a check. This stage confirms the actual prevailing factual details of a property and it is possible that this will result in a reduction in value although the ratepayer is also under a duty to correct any errors. After completion of the check, the second stage is to submit a formal challenge where the value applied to a property is scrutinised and an evidence based submission is made on behalf of the ratepayer.
To help clients and potential clients, our experienced chartered surveyors are able to provide some pre-appeal advice. The new appeal and relief provisions are complicated. We understand this process and will assist clients in a multitude of ways that could save rates payments or maximise opportunities to secure relief.
Our Service
We are approachable and will provide you with honest, concise advice which will be aimed at saving as much money as possible on your behalf but which will not misrepresent your chances of success.
- Discuss the general aspects of the property with you to ascertain whether there may be scope to mitigate rates liability including entitlement to any current reliefs
- Carry out a desk top study of the rating valuation for your property taking into account the basis of your occupation
- If we believe there is scope to successfully appeal the assessment, arrange an appointment to carry out a detailed on-site inspection
- Provide a reasoned recommendation of the likely outcome if an appeal were to be submitted, with an indication of possible savings
- On agreeing instructions we will submit the check
- On receipt of the check we will challenge the outcome and conduct negotiations with the VOA through to settlement or represent you at a valuation tribunal hearing.